
I work as a mathematician in Paris. While I am a number theorist by training, I am also interested in group theory, combinatorics, and other areas of human endeavour.

Yes, my name happens to be H. A. Helfgott. I thought it was obvious.

This is meant as a personal blog on mathematics and the observable universe. No remarks of mine are meant to represent the position of my home institution.

The official languages of this blog are English, French, Spanish and Esperanto, but comments in other languages are welcome as well. This is especially true of comments in Polish, Quechua and Russian, which I badly need to practice.

6 Responses to About

  1. Roberto Bosch says:

    doskonale blogu

  2. Victoria says:

    Hello Valuevar — I stumbled upon your blog tonight. My graduate training was in philosophy and foundations of math. Alas, it’s been a while. I merely teach undergraduates these days. I really enjoyed skipping through your remarks – especially the occasions of humor and puns.
    I’ll be traveling to France in June to visit some friends down in the Dordogne region, but will first be in Paris. Are you there this summer? If so, maybe we can say hello. Best wishes — “dedekind_cut@yahoo.com” (aka Victoria)

  3. Isaac says:

    Imainallam kachkanki, señor Helfgott? Ñuqa Isaacmi kani,Literaturatam yachachiq kani, Apurimacmanta llactata qillqachkanki. Ñuqa achka admiraciunta kani qampaq. Peru llactata achka investigadorkunata nesesitay. Ñuqataq qillqarqani ‘papers’ cienciapas literaturapas (Thomas Khunpas ideay Paradigma Cristóbal Colónpim) -ñuqa achka munay ciencia-literatura. Yachaykusunchik. Tupananchikkama! .

  4. Inti Landauro says:

    Hola Harald: mi nombre es Inti Landauro. Escribo para el Wall Street Journal desde Paris. Quisiera hablar con usted. Me puede llamar al 06 46 08 43 24? Gracias. Inti.

  5. jcchavezs says:

    Hola Harald,

    Soy hijo de Carlos Chávez, amigo y colega de su padre, Michel Helfgott. Nos alegramos muchísimo con la prueba de la conjetura de Goldbach y de hecho, descorchamos una botella de vino en tu honor. Hace poco estuve con Otto Bekken y su muy adorable esposa Maria Luiza y charlamos un poco acerca de ti, te recuerdan con mucho cariño.

    Espero que podamos mantener contacto por e-mail o algún otro medio. Mi e-mail es jcchavezs[at]gmail.com por si quieres enviarme un par de líneas.

    Saludos desde Noruega.

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